Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's Going On ?

Thank you to all of you who responded when asked who your mortgage holder was. Consequently, all of the letters to the lenders were able to be mailed out the end of last week.
And, thanks to Board member Claire Dew Hurst we saw a huge savings on this project. Through her insistence that we use a title company and do as much of the work ourselves as possible instead of using our attorney for these tasks, we were able to save upwards of $14,000! Thank you, Claire, I would also like to thank Claudia for helping out on this task and anyone else who was involved in this project.


As many of you recall, for the past several years a Dry Waller who charged exorbitant fees did most of the work here in WWS. When I called this to the Board’s attention in January, it was finally decided that other bids for such work needed to be sought.
Recently our new manager Bill hired another Dry Waller and the bill was shocking! It was about one-fourth the cost of what we used to pay the expensive man. Way to go, Bill!


  1. Bob, I'm having difficulty understanding your claim of $14000 savings. My recollection is that we budgeted $13000 for the Insurance Amendment process and we're under budget on this item by about $3000. If you would please explain how you calculated this 'savings' in a new email blast. I'm sure others are as interested. Claudia Wizner - Director, Pinehurst

  2. "THE DRYWALLER" who was also the cement layer and handyman.....did he ever complete the tasks the condo stated he was paid for and did not complete

    Please post and respond.

  3. The office has sent out letters to the "Drywaller" requesting that the work that he was paid for be completed in a timely manner,we have also made many phone calls to his company however we have not heard back from his company.I intend to follow thru with a letter from our attorney

  4. Claudia Wizner-Director,Pinehurst.
    When I gather all of my "Facts" I will post the info on the blog
