Sunday, May 29, 2011

Synopsis of Meeting held May 23, 2011

Synopsis of Meeting held May 23, 2011

There was a scheduled Board Meeting for today. Unfortunately, our President Bob McDevitt was unable to convene the meeting because a quorum was not present. Roll call was taken and Bob McDevitt, Don Barker, Claire Dewhurst, Sue Downs, Marie Graziano, Harry Potter and Nancy Thomas were present. Those absent were Sharon Bateman, Jim Beckwith, Marty Coffman, Pat Crupi, John Higgins, Milton Mitchell, David White and Claudia Wizner.

It was unfortunate that we were unable to conduct any business, as there were a number of items of importance on the agenda.

Note: It also cost us $75.00 for the use of the building.

Claire Dewhurst, Secretary