Wednesday, April 29, 2009

BOD Meeting & Update

Here's a quick summery of some high points from the 4/27 BOD meeting and what you might expect during the summer months. A number of projects will be in progress during the summer break.

The BOD gave bid approval for work to address the Federal Portion of Virginia Graham Baker Act (VGB). Work may begin as early as the week of 05/04/2009. The pool upgrades will be done by divers while the spas will be drained for the grate installation. Pool down time will be minimal. Watch for the notices.

The Document revision will be separated into 3 parts:
1-Election of Directors
2-Insurance - requires mortgage holder approval
3-Remainder of changes

The BOD will be reviewing the document sections relating to election of directors and insurance. The plan is to have these sections approved by the BOD and distributed to unit owners for review and vote during the summer. Our goal is to have the section relating to elections approved in time for the 2010 BOD elections. The portion relating to insurance will require an additional approval step from all mortgage holders. The remainder of the documents will be addressed when regular meetings resume in the fall.

Summer Meetings
Regular monthly meetings are suspended for the months of May, June, July and August
There will be BOD workshops and meetings during summer for the Document Revision project and other business which may arise. The dates will be announced.
A Special meeting will follow later in the summer for the owner vote on the first two document revisions

Cluster Advisor Door to Door Distribution
The Cluster Advisors will distribute the Red Cross Vial of Life Materials during the month of May.

Have a great summer!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Last Week at Wildewood

Last week was certainly busy here at Wildewood Springs. We started off with a Poolside Chat at Pool 5 on Monday evening. It was a fun time and there were about 20 owners in attendance. We socialized and enjoyed snacks and drinks. Plus it was a good place to find excess Easter candy.
From Poolside 2009-04-13

I've included a few photos from the event. You can view the online album if you click on the link below the photo.

On Tuesday morning we had our official 2010 Budget Kickoff Meeting, the 'Snowbird Special'. After introducing the committee members, David White, committe chairperson, explained the budgeting process he plans to use and presented a tentative schedule of events. He also answered a number of questions from the owners in attendance. The next budget meeting will not occur until after Labor Day in September. Then we will begin the process with vigor.

I'm listing the tentative meeting dates in this note, but please watch for the official confirmation of the dates as the fall approaches. The locations will be announced when the dates are confirmed.

  • Tuesday 9/9/2009 9AM
  • Tuesday 9/15/2009 7PM
  • Saturday 9/26/2009 10AM
  • Tuesday 10/6/2009 9AM with Cluster Advisors
  • Board of Directors October Meeting 10/26/2009 2PM Budget Review
  • Board of Directors November Meeting 11/23/2009 2PM Final Budget Vote
The presentation documents are available at the following links:

Meeting Minutes Part 1
Meeting Minutes Part 2
Meeting Minutes Part 3
Meeting Minutes Part 4

These links are also available on the Notes from the President page on the WWS Website.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Poolside Update & Next Chat

We had a nice turnout at the second poolside chat at Pool 3 on 4/2. About thirty owners and a few renters came out for a pleasant evening. I've included a photo from the event. The link to the online album is below the photo.
From Poolside 2009-04-02

The next poolside chat is scheduled for Monday 4/13 at Pool 5 from 5-7PM. You can access Pool 5 from Clusters R or P in Lakeside. For those of you who love adventure, you can also follow the service road that bounds the western edge of the property. You'll find Pool 5 at the southern end of the road.

Remember to bring any drinks in plastic. We'll be congregating outside the pool so snacks are allowed. These chats are a good way to mix and mingle with your neighbors. It's also a good way to bid our snowbirds a farewell and 'Happy Trails' as many are leaving in the next few weeks.