Wednesday, May 13, 2009

WWS Potpourri

Summer is fast approaching. Most snowbirds have flown from Wildewood and the parking lots are looking very empty. Here's a quick update of the latest news:

Pool & Spa
The Virginia Graeme Baker updates have begun. The photo below shows the new contoured drain cover on the left and the old flat drain covers on the right. Most drain covers have been replaced at this time.

This is a drain cover being replaced in Spa 1

And this is how they replace drain covers in the pool. Yes he is holding his breath.

There's some great news to report on the State portion of the Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Act. WWS has applied for and received an exemption from Manatee County which changes the status of our pools and spas. We are exempted from installing the State portion of the VGB modifications. That's an estimated $140,000 expenditure that we have now avoided. As a result of our new status, the Association takes on more in house responsibility to monitor our own pools and spas for compliance to health and safety regulations.

Vials of Life Distribution
The Vials of Life have been distributed across the community. If you have not received your packet, check with your cluster advisor. If you are a snowbird, you can collect your packet when you return in the fall. If you want more information about the program you can follow this link Vial of Life

Chico Harpo Groucho
A few of the neighborhood kids outside my lanai.

We'll soon be announcing upcoming meetings for the Documents Mini Project that will occur over the summer months. Watch for the notices.

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