Friday, May 29, 2009

Documents Revision Mini Project

By now, I'm sure you're heard that we are in the midst of a Documents Revision Project. Here's a quick review. Last year Florida Statute 718 was significantly changed by the Legislature. As a result, the changes required in our Documents were extensive. Our attorney, Chad McClenathen, recommended we do a complete update of our Documents to incorporate all 35 previous amendments as well as the new law changes into a new revised document. You can imagine the work this entails.

An Ad Hoc Document Committee led by Mr. Bob DeBruin was charged with the huge task of reviewing of the proposed document package and presenting a working revision to the BOD for consideration. During the past few months, Mr. DeBruin and the Committee have completed their task. The next step would be for the BOD to begin the review process. This step is also expected to take a number of months and won't begin until the BOD convenes again in the fall for regular monthly meetings. But some strategic issues have come to light at this juncture of the process.

The Document Committee has identified two sections of the proposed Documents which will require special consideration in advance of the remainder of the project. The first section, By-Laws Article 4.3 deals with the election of Directors. Director terms will continue to default to one year until this section is approved. This section must be approved by the BOD and 60% of the owner voting interest before mid December 2009 for it to be effective for the 2010 election.

The second Document section to be considered is Article X and pertains to insurance. This section is being handled separately because it must also be approved by the mortgage holders. This means that after the BOD and 60% of the owner voting interest have approved this section, it must be sent to all mortgage holders of record for a final acceptance. We anticipate this to be a lengthy process.

The BOD has considered and voted on these two named sections in a meeting on May 28th in the WWS office. Later this summer, a Special Meeting will be convened for owner consideration of these items. Owners can expect to receive information regarding these two amendments and the announcement of a Special Meeting sometime in the next month or two. You will receive updates via email as the dates of the mailings and meetings are announced.

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