Friday, May 28, 2010

Board Meeting Minutes Now Online !

In an effort to promote transparency the monthly Board meeting minutes are now available on the website. To read the minutes, simply go to the Wildewood Springs website and on the left side of the screen click on "Downloadable Documents" and you will see association documents. The page with the documents has been up for some time, at least since last year with our current Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, etc. Now you will also find the Board meeting minutes listed by the month and year starting with March and April 2010.

Why is this important? Making the minutes easily available to everyone is important because prior to this the minutes were given to the directors but owners had to ask for a copy from the office. The minutes are the legal record of the Board meeting and it is difficult to remember what happened yesterday let alone a month or two ago.

It is important to remember that anyone interested in purchasing a condo in Florida is entitled to request a copy of the Bylaws, financial statement, board minutes, etc.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Officers Attend Foreclosure Seminar

I would like to personally acknowledge three of our officers Claire Dewhurst, Nancy Thomas and Sharon Bateman who attended a seminar on Foreclosure that was sponsored by CAI. One of the panelists included one of our own attorneys Andrew Cohen.
The officers reported that the seminar was very informative and helpful .As we look back we have seen our foreclosure rate increase significantly, however not as bad as many of our neighboring associations .This is new to all of us and I am pleased that these officers have chosen to expand their knowledge so that we can better address this growing problem.

There will be a similar seminar taking place this summer ,date not yet confirmed.You do not have to be a board member to attend.Often these events are free of charge with drawings for door prizes to boot.I will keep you informed when I receive further information.

The Lazy-Hazy Days Of Summer

As we enter into the lazy -hazy days of summer the people working on you’re behalf are not being lazy, in fact the Budget and Finance Committee chairman Richard Baker along with our treasurer Sue Downs and assistant treasurer Sharon Bateman are watching over interest rates for our association investments. Several of our CD’s are coming due and they want to find the best rates possible. Sharon was able to get the interest rate on one of our money market accounts doubled by just going into the bank and asking. We are fortunate that these people are working to protect our investments while at the same time holding full time jobs.

Way to go team!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Executive Committee

The Executive committee has been set up for the months of May, June, July and August ,the Board voted with 6 opposed to suspend regular Board meetings for these months.
The committee will consist of all available Board members:

Submitted by Bob McDevitt

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Update on Our new Manager

I wanted to give you an update on the status of our new manager. I have received the results from Bill’s background check and drug screen test and am happy to report that both were clean.

I want to thank Tony Elwood from Evolution Consulting, LLC for providing these services to the association at no cost.

Bill has given notice to his current employer and I will be in close touch with Bill and will keep everyone updated as far as when Bill will be officially taking over as manager for Wildewood Springs.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Association Manager

Approved by the Board of Directors on May 4th I formally offered the position of manager of Wildewood Springs to our candidate Bill. Pending positive results from the routine background check in approximately 3-5 days, the final steps will be taken to complete this process. The candidate will provide his current employer the required notice and then his time with Wildewood Springs will begin; hopefully around the last week of June.

Selecting the candidate for the association manager has been a lot of work completed in a relatively short amount of time. The process included a total of 10 candidates interviewed from the many who applied. I want to thank everyone who has worked on this process, especially the search committee and the interview team. Everyone gave their time and effort in order to come up with a suitable manager for Wildewood Springs.

I know we are looking forward to getting to know the incoming manager and I plan to call a workshop at the appropriate time to formally introduce Bill to the directors and owners.

As I announced on the 4th, Dennis Bucher submitted his formal notice of resignation and with his agreement, his last day will be June 17th. I want to thank Dennis for his years of service to our Association. I know many owners have spoken with Dennis and congratulated him on his retirement. I plan to arrange a date when we can properly thank Dennis at the office and wish him farewell. Contact your directors or me with any thoughts you have about getting together with Dennis. I encourage owners to drop in or give Dennis a telephone call, before we know it June will be here.

To the owners who are here in Florida and those who have flown home to other areas, thank you for your ideas and comments and on behalf of the board and the staff enjoy your summer days and stay in touch. Here’s to a quiet hurricane season.
